What we offer
The Public Sector Procurement Hub is here to support the public sector with a number of procurement services including established and fully compliant frameworks, bespoke consultancy as well as procurement training.
Where there is a gap in skill, knowledge or support we are there, offering expert advice and guidance. We can skilfully assist public sector providers with anything from finding efficiencies in low value routine purchases to managing and tendering for high value strategic contracts.
The Public Sector Hub is designed to provide a comprehensive suite of procurement and supply solutions. With our smarter and more supportive approach, we are here to help simplify and assist you with your procurement journey.
Why use these frameworks
All of the frameworks have gone through a UK Public Contracts Regulations 2015 compliant tendering process and are free for you to access, to take away the cost and stress of having to run your own tender.
The suite of frameworks all offer the following:
• Dedicated framework resources
• Procurement Help Desk support
• Flexibility – direct award and further competition options
• Wide choice of suppliers
• Variety of service provisions
In addition to having access to the full complement of frameworks our procurement specialists can offer you professional advice and guidance on all procurement matters from strategic direction through to undertaking fully compliant best value tendering activities.